Living Dangerously: how the corncrake survives by Prof Rhys Green (with supporting speakers)
May 12, 2017 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
| £5.00An Cridhe is delighted to announce that, as part of Coll Bird Festival 2017, Professor Rhys Green will be joining the line up of speakers for our evening of presentations.
All welcome. £5/adults (£3 RSPB members), under 16s go free
This is a fantastic opportunity to hear from John Bowler & David Palmar, both of whom have been very well received at previous Bird Festivals, but also from Prof. Rhys Green who has done corncrake research on Coll and so has been a regular ‘visitor’ to the island. A ground-breaking study into corncrake migration in recent years included birds which had geo-locators fitted on Coll. It will be fascinating to get some insight in to how a bird who seems to rarely fly during the months of April to October on Coll, then manages such a lengthy migration beginning in October.
As if that’s not enough excitement for one night, you can also hear about the differences in bird life between Coll and Tiree. Always assumed if you’ve seen one you’ve seen both? You’ll be surprised. Come along and hear what John has to say on the subject.
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The evening line-up:
John Bowler: Birds of Coll & Tiree (updated)
David Palmar: Volunteering
Prof. Rhys Green: Living dangerously: how corncrakes survive
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